The season is shaping up to potentially be great, with rains filling lakes and flushing rivers. Most waters around the state are full or spilling. This gets us very excited in the shop. The fish will put on some great condition over the next month, and with the increasing warm weather the fish will be very active.

Lowlands Reports;

Most rivers are currently in flood and have broken the banks. This creates some fantastic tailing flood margin fishing, especially if you time it right and get out as the river/creek is still rising. However, when the rivers are receding then this type of fishing is not quite as good.

The lakes in the lowlands are going to be an amazing choice throughout the next month. With plenty of water and flood margins, combined with increasing warm weather, there will be some seriously hungry fish hunting around the edges. Places like Curries River Dam, Blackmans and Four Springs will be rewarding options.

Highlands Reports;

Lakes are filling fast or are already spilling. Reports have been encouraging - even given the bad weather over the last week. The reports we have heard from people braving the weather have been excellent. Great Lake shores are still fishing well, especially in the southern parts. Penstock has been a reliable option from both the shore and from a boat, with reports of not big numbers but some better quality fish.

Arthurs Lake is rising fast and fish are a little patchy, but when they are found the fishing has been rewarding.

A good point to keep in mind for the next month, wherever you are fishing, is to keep moving until you find the fish. If your are finding fish in an area or starting to catch some, then spend time in that area. Given the late spawn we had this year, a lot of the fish are still gathered together. Especially when fishing the flooded lakes, some bays will have more food than others therefore, they will have more hungry fish in them.

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