First Reports 2024   

Great opening weekend weather all round the state, relative to previous years.

Overall the lakes have been the best option over rivers, which is pretty normal for this time of year. However, the lakes are fishing well. Opening weekend was marginally slow fishing, but that quickly changed. Current reports are good across the state.



Four springs; Is definitely the highlight lake at the moment with plenty of good quality fish being caught on wet flies all over the lake. Sinking lines from intermediate to sink 3 have been the lines of choice, with fish regularly getting caught on olive woolly buggers, in a variety of sizes and weight. On the more overcast days, wet flies with small orange hot spots and flash have been doing the damage. On the calmer bright days, a more natural colour with a slower sink rate has been good.

Blackmans Lagoon; is normally a great option for early season however, with the lack of rain the lake levels are low and fishing is a little slow. There have been some good fish caught, but a sinking line is needed and woolly buggers in black or olive with a hotspot.

Big Waterhouse Lake; has been a good option in the North East area with plenty of fish coming to hand. On this lake you need a boat and a faster sink 3/5ips in order to fish it with any major success.

Camden Dam; is a great choice is you want to avoid some crowds and don't mind doing a bit of wading or take your kayak and go for a paddle. Plenty of fish getting caught on small black wet flies. This is great lake to fish with a floating line along the shores. If you are willing to do some walking around the shore you will find some fishy bays and corners.


Penstock Lagoon; is always good and this year is no different with some fantastic quality fish getting caught. Fishing from a boat or kayak has been producing some great results all over the lake. however with this increasing warm weather on the way, we should start to see good numbers of fish mooching around the shallows making for great some good land based wade fishing. Black and gold wets in a variety of sizes and weight have been getting some great success.

Bronte Lagoon; was slow on the opening weekend, however that has changed over the last couple of weeks with some great reports. Whether you are in a boat or fishing the shore, there seems to be some hungry fish all over the lake. red and black has been a go to as well as olive wets with orange hot spots on sinking lines intermediate to sink 3ips.

Great Lake; has been going off! As the lake level is down, it has opened up a lot of shore fishing options and some fantastic ones. This is a great place to escape the crowds and have a bit of solitude. Fish are getting caught on all things wet in a variety of sizes, although black woolly buggers have been reported to work very well especially around the muddy shores...

There is even some good polaroid fishing to be had on a brighter day in some bays around the northern end of the lake. Keep in mind the closures around the creeks and rivers coming into the lake.

For further details on other waters and what to use, come in store and check the hatch board or give us a call. Tight Lines!

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