Tamar Report May 15th 2010
Went out again last night as conditions were perfect and we knew it would be a while before we struck the tides and everything "just right" like it is at the moment. We also had to factor in that I had couple of children wanting to go urgently after the previous night with Dale where we scored a few and they were left at home.
So after talking to my old mate, Jim "Bogo" Mckenna", he suggested a spot where "they used to get a feed" at Beauty point. We thought we would head there under his watchful eye.
The night was to be viewed as a bit of a reconnaissance mission, although "as a bonus" and as you can see, we still managed a feed. The kids also missed a few with the spears much to my young blokes disgust .....but no one really cared.
The evening was warm, we saw small schools of large trevally (similar in size to what you would catch at St Helens), mullet, flathead, skate, an eel, BIG GARFISH and wait for it and "no I wasn't drinking" ...something that appeared to be a sea snake.!!!!
Describing it, I would say it was between 2 to 3 foot long, 20 mm wide and could be best described as a huge earth worm going through the water..... so work that one out?... didn't even know they were in there!!!
Anyway, we were back home by 10 pm having a cuppa and yes, the kids laid their ears back to a nice feed of fresh flounder that dad cooked up for them for breakfast.
You've gotta love Tassie don't ya!!...
by Todd Lambert