Elizabeth River 19/11/2014
With Adrian Webb up our way for a few days, we decided to give the Elizabeth River a smashing session using the Mepps spinners. We arrived at the river at around about 2pm, where we got the gear out of the car, threw on the waders and started walking down the river. We walked a good 2.5km past the Weir, where we worked our way back up the river
The first 1.2km was unsuccessful, with only seeing 4 small trout that were easily spooked. Where I then swapped to a silver Aglia, and cast in to the faster running water where this little fish started playing up! First fish for the day, a nice little brown that was about 200grams. Back in the river he goes. We then walked through a heap of long grass, where Connor had caught a lovely brown that was about 340grams. A few photos and back in to the water he goes. In this time Adrian had caught a lovely brown around the 200gram mark as well.
We then arrived back at the weir were we worked our way up to the bridge, where Connor and Adrian both caught lovely little brown around the 200grams once again, that were released. I then put in a mighty cast and landed in the bloody tree! Where Adrian comes up, puts in perfect cast, and hooked a lovely 500gram brown! Whilst I was getting the lure out of the tree, Connor landed the fish for Adrian. Where I get the camera out and take a photo, before it was released back in to the river.
We then walked our way up past the bridge, where we had a few more hits and follows before I get a hook up and land another little brown at around the 200gram mark again. Connor then has a lovely 1.5lb fish on, but drops it just as he went to land it. By now it was 5:30pm time to bush bash our way back to the “Trout Stalker 2”.