Recreational Sea Fishing Guide 2010 -11 Out Now
The new guide is now available from Service Tasmania, most tackle shops, and soon from our friendly Fishcare Volunteers. Have a look its also on line ! (click here)
This year there is an added bonus in the printed version with a pull out fishing planner and a “What’s the Catch” mini poster showing survey estimates of recreational catches.
Make sure you read the guide - you might even meet the Flatheads ! [see page 7 and you will know what we are talking about]
Recreational sea fishing licences season on sale.
Licences for the 2010-11 licensing year can now be purchased during normal business hours from your nearest Service Tasmania outlet, or online at the recreational sea fishing licences web page.
Fishers should start receiving their renewal notices soon.
Remember if you have moved, change your address details !
Rock Lobster Season Opens – 6th November
Once again, the male and female rock lobster season opens on the first Saturday of November - 6th November 2010.
Fishers may only possess and set a rock lobster pot in state waters after 1pm the day before the season opens. Pots may then be retrieved after midnight.
No changes to the recreational ROCK LOBSTER rules or seasons will take place until November 2011.
Rock Lobster Review update
A major review of the rock lobster fishery is currently underway. Fishers are encouraged to get involved and comment on the new management proposals which may affect future bag and possession limits, particularly on the East and South East Coasts. All review documents including discussion papers and reports on the 2nd consultation phase are available on line
Click here to goto the Rock Lobster Review Process and Update.
A flyer outling the review has once again been sent with the licence renewals this year. A copy is also attached to this newsletter.
We will notify you through the email new service when the draft management plan is released in December.
Reminder - Calamari and squid seasonal area closure for part of East Coast
Seasonal closures apply for squid, including southern calamari in some east coast waters from 15th October 2010 to 14th November 2010 inclusive.
The closure applies to all waters south from Lemon Rock (south of Wineglass Bay) to the northern end of Marion Beach (south of Maria Island) and includes Coles Bay, Great Oyster Bay and the Mercury Passage.
See page 60 of the Recreational Sea Fishing Guide 2010 -11 for more information.
Scallop Fishery – Early announcement - Closure for the D’Entrecasteaux Channel in 2011
A closure for scallop fishing has been declared in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel for the 2011 season to protect scallop stocks and reduce the likelihood of long term closures. All other State waters will be open from 16th April to 31st July 2011. A flyer explaining the rationale of the closure has been sent with all the licence renewals this year and is attached to this newsletter.
Reminder Striped Trumpeter -
Remains closed until 31th October 2010