Supporting Australia’s recreational fishing industry
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Tony Burke released on Wednesday the 31st of March 2010, a draft discussion paper to help shape the future of the recreational fishing industry in Australia.
The paper was developed by the Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee, which was established by Mr Burke to provide expert industry advice to the Rudd Government.
The committee brings together expertise and industry skills from across the country from young leaders to highly experienced fisheries scientists and managers.
It met with recreational fishers across Australia to consult on the directions of the draft discussion paper, Recreational Fishing in Australia – 2010 and Beyond.
“Recreational fishing is a vital industry for many regional and rural areas that is enjoyed by millions of Australians, providing jobs and injecting funds into local economies,” Mr Burke said.
”The Rudd Government will continue to help the sector plan ahead to ensure it is sustainable for the long-term.
“The committee said industry would like to see better promotion of the importance of recreational fishing and to ensure the industry has a plan to help manage our fish resources.
“The Government is providing up to $500,000 to help scope and implement a coordinated national data collection project for recreational fishing in Australia.
“We want to build on existing work by the states and territories and community-based recreational fishing organisations and encourage a nationally consistent approach.”
Mr Burke said he had asked the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) to work with the advisory committee to coordinate the project and seek co-investment from state and territory governments around and industry organisations.
He has also written to the states and territories to begin consultation and asked for their input on the suggested national framework.
Recreational fishers are urged to contact their local recreational fishing associations and put forward their views on the draft discussion paper, by 30 April 2010.
Links :
General information is available at
The discussion paper is available at
and also at