libby lake rosebery
Libby with her
$2000 trout from
Lake Rosebery

Libby Webb broke her ankle back in September and hasn’t been able to go fishing for the past few months. Now that she is fully recovered she had a day fishing from the boat on Lake Rosebery with her husband Chris. While trolling a Stump Jumper lure in the Mackintosh River arm of Lake Rosebery around mid-morning a trout hit Libby’s rod. Libby quickly realised that there was a problem in that the line had become twisted around the tip of her rod. Despite the problem Libby persisted and slowly wound the fish in.

After some time, Chris netted the fish and lifted it into the boat where the lure dropped out. As Chris was putting the fish into the esky he called out “oh no!”. Libby didn’t know what was wrong. Chris then told her that the fish had an orange tag with “Winner” on it. They quickly checked the Inland Fisheries Service website and could see that they probably did have a winner.

Libby is indeed a winner, catching one of the five tagged trout released into Lake Rosebery as part of the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion. The win nets her $2000. Libby has promised to give captain Chris $50 for his help!

Fifty tagged brown trout have been released into waters around Tasmania for the 2021-22 Angling Season. Each tag is worth $2,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service (*conditions apply).

The waters and number of tagged trout still to be caught are:


Designated water

Number remaining

Arthurs Lake


Briseis Mine Hole

Was 2 now 1

Bronte Lagoon

Was 2 now 1

Craigbourne Dam

Was 2 now 1

Curries River Reservoir


Huntsman Lake

Was 2 now 1

Lake Burbury


Lake Leake

Was 3 now 2

Lake Mackintosh


Lake Parangana


Lake Pedder


Lake Rosebery

Was 5 now 4

Lake Rowallan


River Derwent

Was 3 now 2

yingina / Great Lake


The tags are orange and have unique identifying details.


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