Women's fishing clinic |
Women in fishing events
To mark International Women's Day, free fishing clinics for women and girls are being held in Hobart and St Helens.
If you'd like to try fishing, or to brush up your skills, come along to one of the clinics where you'll get tips from experienced volunteers and female mentors. We'll have gear available or bring your own rod. Learn how to rig it, cast your line and handle a fish when you catch one.
There are giveaways at both events including rods and fishing caps. Please pre-register by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can register at the event, but numbers may be limited.
Tag your photos and win
We're also running an Instagram promotion so tag us in your photos of women and girls fishing anytime between Sat 6th - Sun 14th March. To enter:
1) follow @fisheriestas on Instagram, and
2) tag your photos #GetTassieGirlsFishing.
There are four rod and reel packages to be won (for Tas residents only).
See the action at last year's clinics.
Follow us on Instagram
Draft Recreational Strategy release date
The Draft Tasmanian Recreational Sea Fishing Strategy will be released for public comment later this month.
Originally scheduled for release in February, the Draft Strategy has been developed following extensive input from recreational fishers and the community. A six week public comment period will follow its release including consultative meetings in major areas around the State, at AgFest (5-8 May) and online submissions.
After public views are considered, the Strategy will be finalized and is due for release in July 2021.
Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.fishing.tas.gov.au