Summer Fishing Clinics
Don't forget that free fishing clinics are being held in January at local jetties around the state from Dover to St Helens to Devonport. All ages and abilities are welcome.
New fishers learn basic skills like setting up a rod, casting, how to measure your catch and to fish responsibly. Others may want to improve their skills or just drop by to find more about fishing. Rods and gear are provided.
Preregistration is encouraged to allow us to plan the required support and assist in guaranteeing you a fishing spot on the day.
Dates and details
Shark refuge areas - Don't target sharks in shark refuge areason't target sharks in shark refuge areas
Sharks Refuge Areas (SRA) are important areas set aside for sharks and rays to breed with minimum disturbance.
Fishing for, or taking sharks, skates or rays in shark refuge areas is prohibited.
If a person accidentally catches a shark in a refuge area, it is a defence under fisheries legislation to immediately return the shark to the water.
DON'T BE A POSER! A person using large baited hooks or other gear designed for shark fishing in a shark refuge may not be able to establish the shark was caught accidentally, even if it was released. Posing for photos with sharks in an SRA may also not be covered as the shark was not immediately returned to the water. The handling and time you take to pose with the shark may be enough to affect the breeding outcomes of that shark or ray. You can also be prosecuted for illegal shark fishing and heavy fines may apply.
Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.