Abalone proposed rule changes
Amendments to the Abalone Management Plan have been released for consultation. The primary aim of these changes is to address risks of localised depletion and improve fish handling practices in the non-commercial fishery (recreational and Aboriginal). Some amendments such as compliance and handling also apply to the commercial fishery.
The main changes proposed include:
· Reducing the recreational bag limit from 10 to 5 abalone per day;
· Reducing the possession limit from 20 to 10 abalone.
· Introducing a boat limit of 15 abalone;
· Maintaining restricted access to abalone for non-fishers;
· Restricting the age for holding a recreational abalone licence to 10 years;
· Defining what constitutes an abalone measuring device;
· Removing the requirement for commercial fishers to immediately measure every abalone;
· Prohibiting the taking of abalone with certain tools;
· Restricting the taking of abalone to daylight hours; and
Other minor changes relating to the commercial fishery.
Public comment is now open on these proposals. Submissions are due by midnight, 28 July 2019. Please use the online response form.
The form is available here: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/sea-fishing-aquaculture/sustainable-fisheries-management/fishery-reviews/abalone-management-plan-amendments
Black flesh in flathead survey outcomes
Flathead melanisation survey
Thanks to the recreational fishers who participated in the IMAS survey investigating the extent of melanisation or blackened flesh in sand flathead. Read a summary of the survey's findings here.
IMAS now has an online form for fishers to report any future catches of flathead that may show signs of black spots in their flesh. Please use it to help IMAS to continue monitoring the occurrance of melanisation in Tasmanian fish species.
Seal interactions research
Seal interactions survey outcomes
IMAS has released outcomes of research into seal interactions with Tasmanian recreational and commercial fishers. The study found a strong perception among fishers that seal numbers were increasing however it appears more likely that seals are becoming habituated to fishing activities.
Learn how to reduce seal interactions when fishing including never feeding them and steering clear of fishing grounds where large seal populations are present.
Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.fishing.tas.gov.au