Biotoxin testing update Lobsters have been sampled from the Maria Island Biotoxin Zone and are now at the certified laboratory being analysed for paralytic shellfish toxins (PST). Results are expected by Friday 30 November 2018. In the Maria Island Zone, PST levels in sentinel species (mussels) were above 0.8 mg/kg (maximum prescribed level for shellfish) for several months, but in recent weeks have dropped to low levels. As a precaution, lobsters samples are being tested as lobsters are much slower to purge the toxins than mussels. No other biotoxin zones are being tested and it is expected all other zones will open in accordance with the scheduled season openings. The East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone is scheduled to open on 8 December and we are aiming to notify fishers about the status of the Maria Island Zone by 30 November.

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