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Recreational rock lobster season opening dates are now confirmed:
All waters outside the East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone (ECSRZ) - open from Saturday, 3 November 2018
East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone - open from Saturday, 8 December 2018
The need to rebuild stocks of rock lobster on the East Coast has led to the decision to delay the opening date for the recreational season in the ECSRZ. Other areas in the Eastern Region will now open at the same time as the Western Region.
There are no changes to recreational catch limits.
The commercial rock lobster season has also been delayed, opening on 15 November in all waters outside the ECSRZ and on 11 December in the ECSRZ.
Check Recreational Season Dates.
Fishing reminders 2018
27 September
Launceston Fishing Forum - all welcome at this public forum at UTAS Newnham Campus.
1 - 31 October
North Coast Squid Closure - closed from Cape Grim east to Cape Naturaliste.
14 October
Gone Fishing Day - details of sea and inland fishing events to be held around the state.
15 Oct - 14 Nov inclusive
East Coast Squid Closure - includes Coles Bay, Great Oyster Bay and Mercury Passage.
1 November
Striped Trumpeter season re-opens for recreational and commercial fishing.
November / December
Hobart Fishing Forum - A public fishing forum will be held later this year - date to be advised.
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Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
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