North coast

The southern calamari and squid fisheries will be closed to recreational and commercial fishing on Tasmania's north coast from 1 - 31 October 2018 inclusive.

The closure of the entire North Coast is to protect spawning calamari. During the closure period, taking or possessing calamari and other squid species is prohibited in the closed area - see map below.


East Coast

Dates for the annual calamari closure in upper south east coast waters including Great Oyster Bay and Mercury Passage are unchanged, from 15 October to 14 November inclusive.

Soft shell clams alert

An introduced soft-shell clam was recently detected on a beach near Orford in south east Tasmania. Biosecurity Tasmania is now managing the incursion of this species in accordance with national marine pest protocols. For more information see the Biosecurity Tasmania website.

From today, Wednesday 11 July, taking and possessing soft shelled clams in state waters is prohibited. This is to help prevent the spread of the clam to other areas.

If you sight a suspected soft-shell clam, do not move it, instead contact Biosecurity Tasmania on phone 6165 3777 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.?. A photo will assist with identification.


Soft shell clam

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Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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