Rock lobster biotoxin sampling update - 1 December

Biotoxin sampling yesterday saw a dive team from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies collecting rock lobster from the Lower East Coast Zone (Tasman Peninsula). Toxin analysis is done in Sydney at the only certified Australian laboratory and takes several days. Results for these samples may be received either late this Friday or not until the following Monday. If the results return acceptable levels, the earliest possible status change for the Lower East Coast Zone is Sunday 6 December. Alternatively, if the levels are high, this area will remain closed.
Source :

Further sampling of lobsters from the closed Upper East (St Helens), Maria Island and Furneaux Zones will commence later this week and into next week. This schedule is to provide adequate time for the lobsters to flush out the biotoxins between sampling rounds. Therefore there will be no change to the status of any of these zones before Sunday 13 December.

See map of biotoxin zones

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