Season Opening Angler Notifications and Reminders
High water level at Arthurs Lake has restricted access to Pumphouse Bay boat ramp. Boaters are advised to use alternative ramps at the dam wall and Jonah Bay until the level drops.
The new season starts on Saturday 6 August
and the Inland Fisheries Service has some important advice and reminder to anglers. These include a general boating and angler safety warning due to high lake levels and river flows; a recommendation to avoid using the Pumphouse Bay boat ramp at Arthurs Lake due to the high lake level; a recommendation by Hydro Tasmania to campers at Jonah Bay to bring their own portable toilet; a warning to boaters at Lake Crescent to keep a look-out for flags marking submerged carp infrastructure; a reminder about the restricted opening hours from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset at Brushy Lagoon and Craigbourne Dam, and the boom gate opening hours at Huntsman Dam (7am-5pm); advice that construction work will begin on 8 August at the Four Springs Lake boat ramp; and advice that the boom gate to the Western Lakes will remain closed until September-October; and a final reminder to anglers that a number of new regulations were introduced this season and to read the new season’s Fishing Code. Detail on each of these points is provided below.
· Boating, camping and angler safety warning
With many lakes either full or spilling, the IFS along with Hydro Tasmania and Marine and Safety Tasmania advise boating anglers to beware of floating debris, submerged obstacles and other boating hazards. Boaters are advised to keep watch when operating at high speeds and to have someone on board specifically to look out for boating hazards.
River anglers should also be aware of strong flows and flash flooding as a result of rain falling in upper catchments. Camping close to rivers may pose a risk if water levels rise quickly, so campers are advised to stay clear of streams and lake edges for the time being.
· Use alternative to Pumphouse Bay boat ramp at Arthurs lake
Arthurs Lake is very full and this has affected the access to the Pumphouse boat ramp. Boating anglers at Arthurs Lake on the opening weekend, therefore are advised to use alternative launching ramps at the dam wall or Jonah Bay rather than the one at Pumphouse Bay. Not only has the high lake level restricted access, making it difficult for launching a boat with a trailer, but the parking area has also been restricted.
· Campers at Jonah Bay to bring a portable toilet
Hydro Tasmania has advised that the toilets at Jonah Bay are currently out of action. Campers are advised, therefore to bring their own portable toilet.
· Warning for boaters at Lake Crescent
Boaters are advised to be aware of submerged carp management infrastructure such as barrier fences and traps, in Lake Crescent. The Service has marked the location of this equipment with flags, so boaters are recommended to keep a look out for these markers.
· Opening hours for Brushy Lagoon and Craigbourne Dam
Anglers are reminded that there has been a change to the regulations relating to the open fishing hours for Brushy Lagoon and Craigbourne Dam. These waters are now restricted to fishing from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
· Huntsman Lake boom gate opening
At the start of the season – before daylight saving begins – the boom gate at Huntsman Lake will open at 7 am and close at 5 pm daily. Anglers visiting Huntsman Lake should be aware of this restriction in addition to the official open hours for fishing from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
· Construction works at Four Springs Lake from 8 August
Starting from Monday 8 August, there will be construction works at Four Springs Lake boat ramp. This work involves the building of a landing and this may impact on the use of the boat ramp for the period that the works are underway.
· Western Lakes road closure
The boom gate into the Western Lakes, situated passed Lake Augusta dam, is currently closed. It is likely to be opened in September or October depending on rainfall and conditions.