Brushy Lagoon and Four Springs 5/8/2012

I guess my report really starts on Friday at 1pm when I picked up my mate, (Kevin Wilkinson), from the Launceston Airport and took him straight out to Brushy Lagoon in the hope of getting him onto a decent sized Atlantic Salmon. Naturally, I couldn’t get away without my daughter Demi in tow again, especially after her efforts the previous day. I was now delegated to boat driver for the afternoon!

Demi managed a six pounder and Kevin a ten pounder, this was the biggest fish he had ever caught, and once landed, the majority of his afternoon was spent staring at this fish on the boats floor. It was decided that since the Tooms Lake weekend was cancelled, we would get up at daylight and head to Four Springs for Opening Day.

We staggered out of the cot at 4.30 am, only to hear the wind and rain outside and promptly went back to bed until around 6.30. After observing that the weather had cleared, we headed off. Upon arrival at Fourseys, we noticed President Jim and Virginia McKenna’s Ute in the car park, and were soon to find out they had done particularly well.
Jim had caught his bag of five and Virginia had caught two.
To cut a long story short, I managed my bag, Jim caught his bag, Virginia caught three (and released a couple), and Kevin caught four for the day.

The fish ranged between 2 pounds to 5 pounds, all caught on Black n gold T tails.

The forecast doesn’t look very promising tomorrow but I am taking Kevin and my son Jacob back to Brushy Lagoon in the hope Kevin can catch another big Salmon before he leaves on the plane tomorrow night.

Regardless of the outcome, he has a few nice feeds of Tassie Trout to take home with him, and hopefully a few pleasant memories.

All in all a good start to the season for us.


PS. an early Tool Academy Nomination/ Kevin Wilkinson, for putting a soft plastic on a jig head and throwing it over the side of the boat ready to cast, only to realise it wasn’t tied onto his funny!


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