Little Lake 25/02/2012
Bailey and I headed off to Little Lake today, as Bail’s wanted to try out his new “Wildfish” 6 weight fly rod, ... so away we went. We arrived there around 11.30am and fished till 4pm, we had a ball catching 27 brownies on dry’s, beetle patterns and some on emergers.
Bailey caught 15 of them, what a top effort, as he hasn't been fly fishing for very long, fish were going off!
We released all but two fish, (promised dear old mum a couple) and had a real bonus today as I caught two fish at the same time, one taking the point fly and another taking the dropper.
He landed both too, that doesn't happen very often.
There were a few others fishing alongside us, three boats and three anglers wading.
Certainly a day Bailey won't forget in a hurry.