Southern Autumn Hotspots
Autumn is a time to review fishing options and factor the weather in with chances of getting a feed. Whilst autumn can bring some unpleasant weather, the fishing - especially in marine waters can be excellent. In the following report we take a look at a few southern waters that will produce a good feed of fish and some good sport. Both shore and boat fishing is featured and with persistence you will catch fish.
Seven Mile Beach
Very easy to find, easy to get to and easy to fish. Less than twenty minutes from Hobart and directly behind the Hobart Airport this is a great area. The bottom is relatively flat with few if any gutters. This can be fished from a boat or off the beach. Flathead are the prime target as they come inshore to spawn and feed on the numerous crabs. Fish will be found in shallow water and best results will be had just outside the breakers.
The best method to catch the bigger fish is with soft plastic double tails - with a preference for black. You can just work your way along the shore - either shore based or from a boat.
Of an evening you can catch skates and gummy sharks - especially if you are using baits. Remember this is a shark nursery area for school and gummy sharks so be ready to release these. They are fun to catch but they must go back.
If using bait just tie up - or buy, a simple Paternoster rig, it works well with any fish bait. The number one spot here is directly in line with the run way.
Sloping Island
A boat is the best way to fish this area, but some shore fishing is possible from Sloping Beach. Either end of the beach fishes well. On the northern end a river runs in and this is a good spot for squid around the seagrass beds. There are also some good garfish to be had around the seagrass of an evening time. Berley will help greatly if garfish are the target.
The southern end is better for flathead and both these and calamari squid can be caught throughout the day. The same rigs can be used for flathead, but for squid Yo Zuri are favoured - especially red/white or green. The Yo Zuri swims very nicely and doesn't have too dramatic an action.
Whilst bait works really well for flathead you will find it attracts every small fish in the bay. Soft plastics and lures, if appropriate, will reward you with bigger fish. You won't catchy as many, but the size and quality will be bigger. Black plastic double tails are the number one plastic.
Out of a boat anywhere between Sloping Island and the Peninsula will reward the angler. The water is shallow with plenty of variety between seagrass and sand. It is excellent habitat for the fish mentioned above.
Primrose Sands
There is a new jetty and boat ramp here which has aided anglers with good access. Some shore fishing is possible, but the best results will be from a boat also to the east - right up to the next point which is about four kilometres away. Look out for salmon and mackerel "busting up" on the surface as well. They can be great fun and a spinning rod with a silver slice or pilchard style lure is all that is needed for these.
Marion Bay
A great evening fishery with very good salmon fishing and some of the best gummy shark fishing in southern Tasmania. This is a shore based beach fishery with good access and excellent chances of a good feed.
A basic paternoster is OK, but the rigs made up with wire traces are best. As they will hold the bait away from the line. Generally fish baits are best such as bluebait or pilchards. Tide and moon doesn't seem to make too much just go fishing here when you want a feed. Average size here is around four kilograms and don't forget there is a bag limit of two with a minimum size of 750 mm. A good quality surf outfit is best running from eight to twelve kilo mono. Rods can be from eight to twelve feet.
Sorell Causeway
This is a great land based fishery at this time of the year. Grab a spot wherever you can on either side and with a little effort you can catch a good bag of fish for tea. The variety is extensive and includes silver trevally, bream, leatherjackets, salmon, mackerel and more. Morning and evenings are best and once again. A variety of baits will work and a tip here is you will need a stronger outfit than is really necessary for the size of fish. This due to the need to lift the fish up the causeway from the water. A six foot spinning outfit may be able to handle the catching of the fish, but won't lift it to safety.
Goats Beach
Past Clifton Beach and opposite Betsy Island is Goats Beach. This is a great place to catch Australian salmon. Excellent gutters along this beach hold some great fish that are easily accessed from the shore. Spinning or bait fishing from the beach works well. Once again a simple paternoster rig works best for bait fishers - especially if a red and white popping bug is used on the top dropper. You will catch a few flathead along here, but it is primarily a salmon fishery. As with most fishing morning and evening are best, but some good catches can be had at any time of the day.