
Catching squid is simple and fun, being able to be done from many of our jetties as well as from of a boat.

One of the easiest ways is with the use of a squid jig and of these the prawn style appear to produce the best results. How do you start?

Wander down to your local pier or jetty, look for a well lit area where the light is shining on the water and start jigging. To catch squid throw out your jig and start jigging by lifting your rod tip up and then letting it drop altering your speed as you do it. Do this several times, wind in a bit of line and start again. If you don't have a rod this can be done just as well with a handline.

When a squid is attracted to a jig it tries to grab it and pull it away. This causes its tentacles to get caught in the spikes at the base of the jig. The squid is only stuck because it is always trying to pull away so you have to be careful not to let your line go slack or else they can escape.

When you catch your squid, be careful while you land it, they have  excellent black ink that they squirt when alarmed. This can make a real mess of your clothes and you'll be in big trouble at home.

When handling squid watch out for their beak, it is like a parrots and can bite just as well. When cleaning squid, some people throw the tentacles away, don't. They make excellent bait.which stay on the hook very well. You can also use the hood for bait, but I think they are much nicer to eat

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