Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

batteriesChoosing batteries for your boat

These days it seems the internet is the first place most people refer to for information and advice on just about every product or service imaginable.
Unfortunately the easy access to posting information and opinion brings with it an increasing amount of misinformation, and sometimes just plain wrong advice from every keyboard expert in the land.

Anglers Alliance

Featured at the ABC.

rotary-devonport-boat-show-2015-bRotary Devonport Boat Show

On Sunday 22 February 2015, Rotary is conducting a spectacular boat show at the TS Mersey Navy Cadet grounds, River Road, East Devonport between 11am and 5.30 pm, with entry via the Rowing Club drive. This has been organised to suit high water in the river to allow demonstration of the new Barcrusher and Stabicraft range of vessels PLUS allowing launch for the first time on the coast a ten-seater hovercraft for joy rides.

coastal-catches-2015-01-29Coastal Catches 29/1/2015

Well that’s the Australia day weekend gone for another year and by all reports there was a fair bit of fishing done even though the wind did its best to hamper everyone’s efforts. Hopefully it will settle and allow for some serious fishing.
Fishing in the highlands has been tough, mainly due to the weather, but there are a few places that are worth having a go at.

For a limited time, Australian boat owners can save up to $500 on the best small outboards on the water.
Download a poster here and information here and Mercury Marine here

lake-augusta-2015-01-23-bLake Augusta Report

We fished Lake Augusta alongside Mark Tapsell today. We finished with four well conditioned browns and missed numerous others, probably each of us should have caught our bag if luck had gone our way. All fish were taken on dun patterns although the real deal was hard to find on the water.
We were both pleasantly surprised at the condition and strength of these fish. There is plenty of water in Augusta at the moment.
The IFS guys were out and about conducting licence checks and said they had been issuing a lot of infringement notices to unlicensed anglers.

Ongoing Salmon Expansion Threatens Endangered Whales and Puts Locals Offside

Recreational fishers, yachties, conservationists and locals are alarmed that Tassal is persisting with an expansion of their salmon farms in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel in south-eastern Tasmania when endangered species, native fish, water quality and public access may all be sacrificed in the process.

fishcareFishcare Group Patrol

Fishcare is conducting a group patrol this weekend on north east and east coasts, approximate times at locations on attached itinerary.

Click Here to view the itinerary

anglers-alliancePenstock Lagoon Ramp Upgrade

MAST is looking for feedback on this proposal before construction starts in April.
Any queries, comments or suggestions please let me know. (see attached PDF)

Denis Edwards - Executive Officer

boundary-bay-aBoundary Bay

Had a nice little session in Boundary Bay (Great Lake) ​Wednesday evening, 7th January, fishing alongside Benny Dodd. Five Browns and two Rainbows caught on Hardbodies & Plastics.

Click rRead More for pictures

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