MAST LogoThe Longford Fishing Club and MAST are running another day to show how inflatable life jackets work, a CPR demonstration will be run by the local volunteer ambulance service, flare demonstration run by MAST, and the local fire volunteers will showcase portable fire extinguishers.

MAST also encourages owners of inflatable life jackets to bring them along to have them checked by MAST staff and there will also be Life Jacket Vouchers available for any style of old standard, AS1512, 1499 or 2260, foam or inflatable jacket, that is brought to the MAST stand.

Draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018 28

Presentation and discussion of the

Draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28
Great Lake Community Centre
17 November 2017, 6 pm

For more information call Tim Farrell (6165 3805) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or view the flyer here




crayThe recreational rock lobster season in the Western Region (waters west of Point Sorell around to Whale Head) opens this Saturday, 4 November. Fishers can set pots from 1pm this Friday, then pull them after midnight.
The Western Region daily bag limit is 5 rock lobster, the possession limit is 10 and the boat limit is 25.
Check the rules here

gone fishing 2017The Inland Fisheries Service is working with Anglers Alliance Tasmania, Sea Fisheries and Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation on the National Gone Fishing Day which will be held on Sunday 15 October 2017.

An angling licence will not be required to fish in inland waters in Tasmania so is a great opportunity to grab a friend and try trout fishing. There will also be a number of junior angling venues coordinated by through angling clubs that will give kids a great chance to catch a fish. Sea Fisheries will also be coordinating events around the coast.

Gone Fishing Day is an initiative that was created to encourage people to get outdoors, drop a line, enjoy time with family and friends by or on the water, and hopefully catch a fish or two.

Please view the report here


  • Northern calamari closures
    New spawning closures for calamari and squid come into effect from this Friday 6th October until Sunday 22nd October for two areas on the North West and North Coasts.
  1. North West Coast: all waters from Woolnorth Point east to Table Cape.
  2. Central North Coast: all waters from Point Sorell to Stony Head including Port Sorell and kanamaluka/Tamar River.
  • Fishcare have placed temporary signage at fishing spots and boat ramps.
    The annual calamari closure in upper south East Coast waters including Great Oyster Bay and Mercury Passage starts on 15 October.
    See all season dates and see all maps.

The IFS have received a number of queries about new fishing lures on the market that display lights and vibrate to attract fish. Tasmanian Inland Waters are recreationally governed by the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 and Inland Fisheries (Recreational Fishing) Regulations 2009. The regulations, at 24(8) state:

'A person at any inland waters must not have possession of a device of an electric, electronic, sonic or ultrasonic nature that is capable of being used for the purpose of attracting or influencing the movement of fish.
Penalty: Fine of not less than 1 penalty unit and not more than 5 penalty units'.

Currently, a penalty unit is valued at $159.00.

Regardless of any claims made in advertising a product, we advise that these types of lures do not comply with our regulations

There have been a few issues with the campsites over the years -- now is your chance for direct input to Hydro . You may like to consider in your response the bigger picture of facilities generally on the Central Highlands.
Hydro Tasmania’s Arthurs Lake campgrounds survey has now been launched. See below for the prologue details and the survey link to be distributed by AAT as per discussion in previous emails.

Have you tried whitebait fishing?
(Article from )
With favourable conditions, this season is looking like a great whitebait season.
The 2017 whitebait season opens for fishing this Sunday - October 1 and remains open till Saturday 11 November 2017.

lobsterRock lobster season dates

Recreational rock lobster season opening dates for 2017 are now confirmed.

Western Region - opens on Saturday 4th November.
Eastern Region - opens on Saturday 18th November.

Check season dates

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