New Members for our Recreational Fishery Advisory Committee

The Recreational Fishery Advisory Committee (RecFAC) provides advice to the Minister and the Department on recreational sea fishing management matters including fishery reviews and management policy.  Expressions of interest for up to to 9 recreational fishing members are sought for RecFAC.   If fishers have a broad range of fishing experience, a strategic view on fishing matters and feel like contributing advice along with experts from DPIPWE, IMAS and Marine Police they are encouraged to apply.   All new members will be drawn from the recreational fishing community.


There is more information about RecFAC and details about how to apply at:



Sally Williams
Senior Fisheries Communications Officer
Wild Fisheries Management Branch
Dept of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
GPO Box 44
HOBART  TAS  7000Ph:          (03) 6165 3031 or 0410 447 957
Email:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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